Microsoft Archive

New Blog & New Life


RIP Old Blog

They say “a change is as good as a rest” and, although I’ve always wondered who “they” are, I have to agree in a couple of ways.

Firstly with my writing this blog post.

My blog has always tended to slant towards internet marketing because that’s what I do.

Me writing about digital has always made perfect sense to most people and I’ve had a lot of contact regarding speaking opportunities etc as a result of me being out there in a personal way.

Well recently I’ve been writing more and more about my experiences on my travels, on the way to or at conferences around the world, and finding folks taking a lot more interest in those because there’s been more of an everyday insight element to some of the entries.

This got me thinking about how I could combine my love for my work with my love for wine, food, hopping on planes, gadgets, photography, messing about in boats and general all-round globetrotting.

After a bit of noodling and a lot of generous help from Jon, Dave and the very talented Kean………….Technology – Taste – Travel was born.


Welcome New Blog

We hope the design speaks for itself. As it give me more scope to talk about other things, you’ll being see a lot more entries from me, even if it’s just the odd photo or location update. P1000041

Rest assured it’ll have everything the previous incarnation had, but it’ll be enhanced with travel tips, restaurant reviews and a lot more video/photography from wherever I am in the world.

I hope you enjoy it and please let me know if you have any thoughts or observations on what you’d like to see……

So that’s the new blog!

What about the new life?

Well, after 20 years working in the UK and 5.5 at Microsoft in London, I’m moving to Seattle, Washington.

Ashley and I will be upping sticks from Richmond in SW London and rolling up in Redmond to work for Microsoft over there in March 2011.

My role will be much of the same and more,  evangelising Microsoft Advertising, and doing my best to help marketers deliver their dreams.


Burley Lagoon – Gig Harbor – Washington

We’re looking forward to a fantastic life on the other side of the pond, and although it’s a change, I’m not sure our feet will touch the ground long enough to call it a rest!

For those of you too sad for words (and I know there are at the most two of you) we’ll be back often as my job has always been global.

So despite moving lock stock and barrel, you’ll find me propping up the bar in some conference venue somewhere in the world very soon!

Online Research – Women and Mums Make the Decisions!


Yes boys……as suspected, we don’t wear the virtual trousers anymore…..!

My Microsoft Advertising cousins in the US have done some excellent research into how influential the ladies are across verticals and have come to some stunning conclusions.


63% of women and “moms” in the Tech Adopter profile are primary decision-makers for all tech purchases!

Check out Kelly’s blog post on the New Decisions Makers and download the Women & Mums Online Behaviour Research to find out all the details and ways to engage.

And, as I have found to my cost, make sure you run your next Amazon spree past them first.

They could well recommend you a better product or website to get it from!

F1 Inside Ferrari Photo App on iTunes

My mate Jon Nicholson, who I mentioned last week, has just released his first photography app called Inside Ferrari for the *cough* iPad.



It’s a nifty and colourful fly-on-the-wall look at the round and round world of Grand Prix and Formula One racing, tracking the Ferrari team through their Michael Schumacher inspired world domination.

It’s Jon’s first foray into disseminating his work through new digital channels.

Check it out and let us know what you think.

Looking forward to seeing some of his stuff developed for the Windows Phone or Xbox soon!

New Windows Phone TV Ads from Microsoft plus Stephen Fry

New from the US, these Windows Phone ads really sum up how my wife feels about me and my device.

Here’s hoping I can start living my life again…..

BTW – I was at the launch of the phone 7 on Monday.

As Ashley Highfield said on stage, it was “high risk” having Stephen Fry show up, but it seems to have done wonders to draw attention to the wider smartphone/tech ecosystem, especially as Stephen’s all about “biodiversity” in the technology space.

Listen to this excellent Guardian Tech podcast from the event by Jemima Kiss and Charles Arthur

And he most definitely didn’t get paid!!!

Here’s a link to my photos from the front row of the Windows Phone Launch and my fave below:


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