April, 2011 Archive

Cabin Creek Snoqualmie Cross Country Skiing


This past Saturday held a first in my life – 1st time ever on a pair of skis!

My brother and sister-in-law – Chason and Aubrey – took me up to the Cabin Creek trail in Snoqualmie and we spent many a calorie trudging through some amazing scenery.

I’m paying for my exertion as I write this, because it really is a total body workout!

The skis are much thinner than downhill ones, and the trail is built with grooves in the snow to make it a little easier, but it’s still hard!


Aubrey giving me a helping hand…

Don’t get cocky or distracted though. I was admiring the scenery a bit too much and managed to perform an involuntary impression of the abdominal snowman!


Me and Chase

What’s amazing is A&C turned up at the house with some chocolate waffles and coffee at about 8.30am, we were on the trail by 10 and back in downtown Seattle by 1pm.

I had no idea the mountains and all this funtivity was so close.

Hoping to get up there next week.

Might be the last time before it all turns to slush…

But Where are the Soldiers in the All Day Cafe?


Found these in our cafe today as I was hunting for some breakfast.

Microsoft in Seattle gets up early, so it’s often a mad rush to get out of the door to get on a call with London or New York. People often eat breakfast at their desk.

Notice that the eggs even come with their own salt and pepper packet which I thought was “cute”!

Plenty more notes on American idiosyncrasies like this on the way. I’ve loved reading Lorna Harris and her CalifLorna ex-pat blog over the years.

Hope to bring a similar shade of observation and humo(u)r on these pages, but with the weather being like it is right now, they might be a little greyer than Orange County for the next few weeks!

Turn Your House into a Billboard Adzookie-Style


My contact form gets a number of workouts every week from people pitching me stuff to write about.

They’re mostly untargeted and often quite dry, but this one caught my eye!

It was sent on the 4th of April so I’m assuming I’m no fool in writing about it.

Apparently 223 homeowners have contacted them as well as 12 businesses, 7 restaurants and 1 church.

Read more here if you want your mortgage paid by Adzookie.

I expect the Queen could recoup the cost of the Royal Wedding in just a few weeks if she signed up.

Whose house would you suggest and why?

Imagine 2011 Marketing Leadership Summit – Microsoft Advertising

We’ve landed in the US

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Arrived in Seattle on Saturday and met by Ashley’s family laying on the red, white and blue outfits along with a CD player blasting out Neil Diamond’s “Coming to America” at the baggage carousel.

Really appreciated the gesture, especially for all of them to have made the trek out to the airport!

Then, straight into work and the Imagine 2011 conference……..more of that in another post!

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