Advertising Archive

The Race – British Airways Ad

Love this ad from BA in time for the run up to The Olympics. Makes me feel a bit home sick actually. That coupled with imagining little Maggie as that little girl…….sniff…..[reaches for tissues]!

Update: Check out their Facebook Page too. There’s a great competition going on there right now for free flights:

Microsoft Advertising Story Awards Video with Felicia Day

I love BIG & BOLD productions and we’ve nailed one with the Microsoft Advertising Story Video featuring (the very lovely) Felicia Day.

The campaign centres around the Microsoft Advertising Story Awards which is a competition we’re running to challenge brand advertisers, marketers and agencies.

More on the competition in Richard Dunmall’s post: Challenging Global Marketers and Agencies to be Storytellers and Win a trip to Cannes! 

Check out Felicia’s teaser for the advertising awards too!

Enjoy and more coming soon!

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How to Win a Cannes Lion Tips in Japanese!

I love these videos the Cannes Lions chaps do. This one has Yukio Nakayama, Executive Creative Director at Dentsu giving 5 tips on winning one of the coveted awards.

Love the fact he says to keep the subtitles slow as many of the judges don’t actually have English as their first language.

Nicely edited and presented little clip too!

Now who’s going to Cannes this year?

Book Review: The Changing MO of the CMO


I first met MaryLee Sachs in 2009, when she brought Twitter’s Biz Stone to the Cannes Lions Advertising Festival.

Working for PR giant Hill and Knowlton at the time, her team kindly let me chat to Biz about Twitter’s dizzy rise to success (worth a retrospective look at now given their current ubiquity), and then I got a few minutes with  MaryLee to get her thoughts on PR and social media, and how public relations was being seen more and more part of the marketing mix.

Fast-forward two years and MaryLee is back in Cannes launching her new book The Changing MO of the CMO which seeks to explain how, “the convergence of brand and reputation is disrupting the marketing function.”

Baratunde Thurston Talks About The IAB MIXX Awards

Next week I’ll be in New York for Advertising Week.

We have a whole team going who will be flat out covering the event with our blogs, videos, Twitter, Facebook and more.

Here’s a link to our highlights video from last year so you get a flavour what we’ll be getting up to.

Check out Baratunde from The Onion, who’ll be MCing the IAB MIXX Awards and warns that anything can happen.

It can and it will next week. So stay tuned and don’t miss out!

I’m Writing a Book!


I was a terrible tease on Twitter and Facebook yesterday but can now share that I am writing a book!

Through an incredible set of events and connections – which include a paradise island, a Mayfair dinner, my first ever interview and a pint of Tribute in SW London – I’m co-authoring a book on digital advertising, marketing, search and social media with Professor Paul Springer of Ads to Icons fame.

Published through Kogan Page in the UK, US and Asia, it’ll be a collection of stories about people in the digital industry that have done ground-breaking things to help shape it and propel it forward.

There are some very good books out there about products and services, and there are some very good books on theory and best practice. Our writing will engage with, and expose the thinking and the stories behind those people who helped conceptualize those products and services, and who were the first minds to start mapping out the theories and online institutions that make digital what it is today.

That was the news. Winking smile

I’m incredibly privileged to be working with Paul and Kogan Page and we’ll have updates on the name and when and where you can pick up a copy of the book very soon…..

P.S. Follow Pioneers of Digital on Twitter.

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