Funny Rules Of Cricket – In & Out

Update: Did you know you can buy the In Out Cricket Tea Towel on Amazon?


You have two sides, one out in the field and one in.

Each man OR woman that’s in the side that’s in goes out, and when he/she is out he/she comes in and the next man/woman goes in until he/she’s out.

When they are all out, the side that’s out comes in and the side that’s been in goes out and tries to get those coming in, out.

Sometimes you get men/women still in and not out.

When a man/woman goes out to go in, the men/women who are out try to get them out, and when he/she is out he/she goes in and the next batter in goes out and goes in.

There are two men/woman called umpires who stay out all the time and they decide when the men/women who are in are out.

When both sides have been in and all the men/women have been out, and both sides have been out twice after all the men/women have been in, including those who are not out, that is the end of the game!

Get the Tea Towel!

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  • Mel & Ashley » Blog Archive » Seattle Mariners Baseball

    […] all you US folk who wonder about the fabulous sport of cricket, check out the Funny Rules of Cricket on Mel’s […]

    Posted 16 years ago
  • Astron

    There are many other cricket rules. Check out some of the cricket rules here.

    Reply Posted 15 years ago
  • cedric

    With all that outing… No wonder why some American consider that this is a testosterone-charged sport than its diamond-based variant:)

    Reply Posted 13 years ago
  • Angus

    Very funny and unbelievably accurate.

    Reply Posted 13 years ago
  • cricket shop

    Thanks for sharing cricket rules.

    Reply Posted 12 years ago
  • Pat Powell

    Very funny indeed, well done.
    Who wrote this please

    Reply Posted 12 years ago
    • mark

      This was originally written by the late great Leslie Crowther

      Reply Posted 11 years ago
  • Mel Carson

    I have no idea who wrote it but hundreds of people a month find this post and share it, so whoever it is did something right!

    Reply Posted 12 years ago
  • Janis Felidae

    erm *confused look* is it true? I´m a German Kitty and cricket is not very popular, not to say unknown here, but i have to learn the rules as I want to play with my friends abroad on the internet 🙂 Thanks for writing this down and sharing.

    Reply Posted 12 years ago
  • Bertil

    Thank’s a lot, finally I understand the game.

    Reply Posted 11 years ago
  • gurbaj singh

    funny who wrote it

    Reply Posted 11 years ago
  • Deltiologist

    One of the rules of posting ‘helpful’ information must surely be to check that that information is correct! The final paragraph which begins
    “When both sides have been in and all the men have out, ….”
    should read
    “When both sides have been in and all the men have BEEN out,….”
    The inclusion of that word should make this entirely understandable!

    Reply Posted 10 years ago
  • Gordo

    If the side that’s in is having an ‘innings’, is the side that’s out having an ‘outings’

    Reply Posted 10 years ago
  • The success of the 'Others' is big election talking point – The Wealth Investor Association

    […] As the former Alliance and UCUNF candidate Ian Parsley has pointed out, watching STV counts unfold is a bit like being an enthusiastic follower of test match cricket. The drama takes time to develop and when you try to explain the process of quotas and transfers it’s a bit like the famous explanation of the “ins and outs” of cricket. […]

    Posted 5 years ago
  • Ronan Malone

    One of the rules of posting ‘helpful’ information must surely be to check that that information is correct! The final paragraph which begins
    “When both sides have been in and all the men have out, ….”
    should read
    “When both sides have been in and all the men have BEEN out,….”
    The inclusion of that word should make this entirely understandable!

    Reply Posted 5 years ago
    • Mel Carson

      Good point. Also updated it to include women as well! Cheers Ronan!

      Reply Posted 5 years ago

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