London Marathon 2008 – Raising £15k for NACC

Having had the dreaded lurghi for the last few weeks, it was touch and go whether I’d give it a stab, but after a couple of successful jaunts around Richmond Park, I’ve decided that by hook or by crook I will cross the finishing line on April 13th!

I’ll be running for the National Association for Colitis and Crohns

Some blub from my JustGiving site:

“I’ve had Ulcerative Colitis, which is a bit like Crohn’s Disease, for 11 years.

I take 8 pills a day but have received fantastic support from the NHS and my family and friends.

It can be a debilitating condition and although I’ve not had it too bad (touch wood!), I have met many people who have had to put up with chronic pain, considerable inconvenience, and in some cases, major surgery – so I guess this is my way of honouring them and paying back some of that support and goodwill!

NACC will receive your money faster through JustGiving and, if you are a UK taxpayer, an extra 28% in tax will be added to your gift at no cost to you.

If you can spare some dosh then please dig deep and sponsor me online.

For every £1 you donate Microsoft will match it! Yes that’s right! Microsoft will match £1 for £1 any money you donate!!!”

I had thought £7,777 was pushing it, but when I found out that Microsoft would top up the fund, £15k didn’t sound too unreasonable….

Please sponsor me here:

And thankyou!


  • Dixon

    I’ll be there to egg you on! Good cause and I hope you hit your target Mel.

    Reply Posted 17 years ago
  • MelC

    Thanks Dixon – Just don’t throw any!!

    Reply Posted 17 years ago
  • Big Brother

    With the amount of HSB you tucked away at the football this weekend I thought you were in training for a different marathon !!
    I will look forward to sponsoring you on the day and will endeavour to bring the boys up for some LOUD support on the way..outside a pub hopefully ! Well done and keep plodding the tarmac.

    Big Bruv !

    Reply Posted 17 years ago
  • Onefatman

    Mel, I thought I was doing well but you have put my efforts into perspective.

    I am finding out just how hard this whole thing is, without the added challenges life has thrown at you.

    I wish you the best for the 13th.

    Reply Posted 16 years ago
  • One Fat Man Running London Marathon

    […] He pinged me a couple of days ago after he read my marathon post! […]

    Posted 16 years ago
  • Bloggers on the run « One Fat Man 08

    […] To visit their blogs click here with your left hand while reaching for your wallet with your right so that you can hand over what is left after you have sponsored me. And if you only look at one other blog make sure it is this one […]

    Posted 16 years ago
  • Lars

    Found you through Ian T. I have had UC for nearly 20 years and think what you’re doing is great.

    Reply Posted 16 years ago
  • Lymphoma the Victor in IM-NY BOTW SMO Contest For Charity! | Social Desire

    […] and the National Association for Colitis and Crohn’s Disease advocated by Sara Holoubek and Mel Carson respectively. These are very worthy causes, which help a LOT of good folks out. Congratulations and […]

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  • My Ulcerative Colitis (UC) Is In Remission | Mel Carson - UK Internet Marketing Blog - Microsoft - Memoirs

    […] this year I ran the London Marathon for a charity – National Association for Colitis and Crohns – which helps people like myself who have either […]

    Posted 16 years ago
  • Big Brother

    With the amount of HSB you tucked away at the football this weekend I thought you were in training for a different marathon !!
    I will look forward to sponsoring you on the day and will endeavour to bring the boys up for some LOUD support on the way..outside a pub hopefully ! Well done and keep plodding the tarmac.

    Big Bruv !

    Reply Posted 15 years ago

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